2014年7月8日 星期二

Pan Fried Fish Fillet with Shimeji Mushrooms 香煎魚塊伴鴻禧菇

Serves 4 四人用


1 pc Fish Fillet (around 1.5 lbs)
1 pc Shimeji Mushrooms
1 stalk Green Onion
2 pc Lee Kam Kee Sauce for Fried Cod Fillet
1 tablespoon Flour
300ml Boiling Water
3 tablespoon Oil

Marinade for Fish:

1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Ground White Pepper


1. Rinse the fillet and gently dry it by using kitchen paper towels or cotton cloth. Slice it into pieces then marinade for 20 minutes.
2. Use hands to remove the roots of the Shimeji mushrooms. Rinse, then parboil them into boiling water for 1 minute. Transfer it to a bowl then set aside.
3. Chop the green onion.
4. Put flour into a plastic food bag, add the fish pieces into the bag and hold the end of the bag then shake it, so that the fish are breaded evenly.
5. Heat a non-stick pan with oil over low-medium heat, put the fish pieces into the pan one by one by using long chopsticks.
6. Pan fried one side of the fish then the other side until fully cooked and golden brown. Add more oil if needed. Turn off the heat then set aside.
7. Open and pour the Lee Kam Kee sauce and Shimeji mushrooms into a wok, then heat it up over medium heat.
8. When the sauce is boiled, transfer the fish into the wok and stir fry. Cover the fish with the sauce.
9. Sprinkle the green onion. Turn off the heat then serve hot.






1. 洗淨魚柳, 然後用廚紙或布抹乾, 切塊後加醃料醃20分鍾.
2. 用手將鴻禧菇的根去掉, 洗淨後放入滾水氽水1分鍾, 取出備用.
3. 切葱花.
4. 放麵粉落食物袋, 放入魚塊, 用手拿着袋口封口, 然後搖動食物袋使之令魚塊平均沾上麵粉.
5. 用低至中火燒熱易潔平底鑊, 用長筷子逐一放魚塊落鑊煎.
6. 煎魚塊至兩面金黃熟透, 熄火後備用.
7. 倒銀鱈魚汁和鴻禧茹落另一隻鑊, 然後開中火.
8. 當銀鱈魚汁滾起, 加入魚塊, 並將汁液均勻淋上魚塊上.
9. 灑上葱花, 熄火, 上碟.

Main Ingredients 主要材料

Fish pieces with marinade 醃好的魚塊

Fish pieces after shake the food bag 搖動食物袋後之魚塊

Fish pieces breaded with flour evenly 平均沾上麵粉後的魚塊

2013年11月8日 星期五

Stir fried Shrimps with Okura, Baby Corn & Cherry Tomato 蝦仁炒秋葵粟米仔車厘茄

Serves 4  四人用


1 lb Fresh Shrimps
1 pack Japanese Okura
1 pack Baby Corn
200 gram Cherry Tomato
1 tablespoon Minced Garlic
2 tablespoon Minced Green Onion
2 tablespoon Salt
1 tablespoon Corn Starch
1 small pot of Hot Water
2 teaspoon Oil

Marinade for shrimps:

1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Ground White Pepper


1 teaspoon Soy Sauce
1 tablespoon Sake


1. Shell and devein shrimps. Use 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of corn starch to rinse it. Drain then dry it. Marinade and keep in refrigerator for 30 mins.
2. Put the okura on the chopping board and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of salt on it. Roll and rub the okura for a minutes to remove its tiny hair.Rinse with water then transfer it to a pot of hot water and boil for 30 sec. Drain then cut the head & end off, then cut the rest into small pieces. Set aside.
3. Rinse the baby corns then cut it into small pieces. Also boil it in the same pot of hot water for 30 sec. Drain it then set aside.
4. Rinse the cherry tomatoes then cut each of it into half. Set aside.
5. Heat up the frying pan with oil, cook the shrimps until 80% done. Add minced garlic,okura, baby corns, cherry tomatoes and seasoning to stir fry for 2-3 mins. Sprinkle the green onion on top then serve.








1. 剝去蝦殼, 挑去腸, 用鹽1湯匙及生粉洗淨, 瀝水, 抹乾後加醃料放入雪櫃內醃30分鍾.
2. 放秋葵在鉆板上, 平均地灑上鹽1湯匙以搓秋葵約1分鐘以去取小毛. 然後沖水, 並用一小鍋熱水氽燙約30秒, 瀝乾後切去頭尾, 將其餘的切成小塊. 備用.
3. 洗淨粟米仔後切成小塊, 在同一鍋熱水中氽燙約30秒, 盛起備用.
4. 洗淨車厘茄後將每一粒對切成半, 備用.
5. 於煎鍋中燒熱油, 將蝦仁煎至八成熟, 加蒜蓉、秋葵、粟米仔、車厘茄及調味炒勻約2-3分鐘, 最後灑上葱花上碟即成.

Japanese Okura 秋葵

Baby Corns 粟米仔

Cherry Tomato 車厘茄

2013年6月30日 星期日

Mango Lassi the Indian Drinks

Serves 4


1 pc Taiwanese Lily Mango (Large, around 1 lb)
400 gram Low Fat Plain Yogurt
20 pcs 1" x 1" Ice Cubes


1. Wash the mango and pat dry.
2. Slice the mango lengthwise into two pieces, remove the pit.
3. Score the flesh into 1/2" grid patten. Do not cut through the skin.
4. Bend the scored piece of mango backward so that the cubes push forward.
5. Use a small knife to cut across the base of the cubes to remove them from the skin. Place all the pulp into a bowl.
6. Put the ice cubes, mango and yogurt in a blender. Blend until the ice is all crushed.
7. Serve the lassi into a glass.

Note: You can divide the ingredients into 2-4 parts if your blender size is not big enough.



1" x 1"冰塊20粒


1. 先洗淨芒菓後抹乾.
2. 將芒菓打直切開, 去核.
3. 將每邊菓肉切半吋花, 不要切穿果皮.
4. 將已切花之菓肉連皮向後屈.
5. 用小刀沿底部起出菓肉, 將所有菓肉放入碗中.
6. 放入冰塊、芒菓和乳酪於攪拌器內. 攪拌至所有冰塊變沙.
7. 將Lassi倒入玻璃杯內即可.

注意: 如果攪拌器容量有限, 你可以將材料分成2-4次去攪拌.

Taiwanese Lily Mango 台灣水仙芒菓

Low Fat Plain Yogurt 低脂原味乳酪

Half Sliced Mango with Grid Patten 切花後的半邊芒菓

2013年6月20日 星期四

Beef Rolls with Enoki Mushrooms 金菇牛肉卷

Yield:16 pieces


150 gram Angus Sliced Boneless Short Rib
380 gram Enoki Mushrooms
1 Chopped Green Onion
2 teaspoon White Sesame Seeds
2 teaspoon Flour


2 tablespoon Soy Sauce
2 tablespoon Sake
1 tablespoon Mirin
1 teaspoon Brown Sugar


1. Cut the root of the enoki mushrooms, then rinse and drain.
2. Pick up a small bunch of enoki mushrooms and roll up with the beef. Use your finger to wipe a little bit of flour in order to glue the end of the beef.
3. Mix the sauce and set aside.
4. Heat up a non-stick pan with low heat, pan fry the beef rolls with both sides until its colour changed.
5. Pour the sauce on top of the beef rolls, cook it until the enoki mushrooms turn soft.
6. Keep spooning the sauce on the top of the beef rolls until the sauce become thicken. Then turn off the heat.
7. Transfer the beef rolls on the serving plate. Sprinkle the green onion and white sesame seeds. Spoon the sauce on the top of the beef rolls. Serve hot with rice.







1. 將金菇切去根部, 沖洗後瀝乾.
2. 金菇分小束, 並用牛肉卷起來. 用手指沾少許麵粉於末端以作糊口.
3. 將醬料混合好, 備用.
4. 用小火燒熱易潔鑊, 煎牛肉卷至兩面變色.
5. 將醬料淋在牛肉卷上, 煮至金菇變軟身.
6. 繼續淋醬料於牛肉卷上, 直至醬料變濃稠, 即可熄火.
7. 將牛肉卷上碟, 灑上葱花和白芝麻, 淋上醬料, 可跟白飯熱食.

Cleaned Enoki Mushrooms 已洗淨之金菇

Before cook 未煮前

2013年5月30日 星期四

Scrambled Egg Whites with Salmon 芙蓉三文魚

Serves 4 四人用


6 Egg Whites
500 gram Salmon Fillet
1 Diced Spring Onion
1 tablespoon Oil

Seasoning for Egg White:

1 teaspoon Chicken Powder

Seasoning for Salmon:

1 teaspoon Chicken Powder
1 teaspoon Ground White Pepper


1. Dice salmon finely. Add seasoning and mix well. Set aside.
2. Whisk egg whites with seasoning. Add spring onion and mix well again.
3. Heat the non-stick frying pan with oil, pan fried the diced salmon until 90% done. Pour in ingredients from step (2.). Stir fry quickly until egg whites are set. Serve hot.


葱1條 (切葱花)






1. 三文魚切小粒, 放入調味料拌勻, 待用.
2. 蛋白先加調味打散, 然後再加葱花拌勻.
3. 將易潔鑊加油燒熱, 煎三文魚至九成熟, 加入(2.)快手炒勻至蛋白凝固即成.

Salmon Fillet 三文魚柳

Diced Salmon Fillet with Seasoning 調味後的三文魚丁

2013年5月2日 星期四

Steamed White Eel in Fermented Black Bean Sauce 豉汁蒸白鱔

Serve  4-6 persons


1/2 White Eel
1 tablespoon Minced Garlic
1/2 tablespoon Fermented Black Beans
Diced Red Chilli Peppers


1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
1 teaspoon Sugar
1 teaspoon Corn Starch
Ground White Pepper


1. Ask the fishmonger to remove the slime of the white eel in hot water and slice thickly. Rinse and wipe dry. Arrange on a serving plate.
2. Rinse fermented black beans and chop finely. Mix throughly with garlic, red chilli peppers and seasoning. Arrange on top of eel. Steam for about 8 minutes until done. Serve.







1. 請魚販用熱水清去白鱔上的潺液, 並代為切厚片. 將鱔片沖洗, 瀝乾後排放在碟上.
2. 豆豉沖淨, 剁碎, 與蒜蓉、紅辣椒及調味混合均勻, 放白鱔面, 隔水蒸8分鐘至熟, 即成.

Before Steam 未蒸前
After Steamed 蒸熟後

2013年2月10日 星期日

2013 Year of Snake Reunion Dinner

Hello there!! Gong Xi Fa Chai!! Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!! :-D

Last night we have had a lovely Chinese Reunion Dinner and I would like to take this chance to share my family recipes with you!! Enjoy and happy cooking!!

Serve 4

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Dish One: Stir Fried Clams with Red Chilli Pepper & Onion


2 lbs Clams (Big)
1 pc Onion (Small)
1 pc Red Chilli Pepper (Medium)
2 tablespoon Oil
1 stalk Corriandar for garnish


1 teaspoon Chicken Powder


1. Soak the clams in salty water for 30 minutes. Then wash and drain.
2. Peel off the skin of onion and cut it into small pieces.
3. Wash the red chilli pepper then cut it into small pieces.
4. Heat up the wok with oil, stir fry the onion with seasoning, add the red chilli pepper and clams for about 3 minutes. Then cover the wok with lid until the shell of clam has fully opened. Transfer them on the plate then garnish with some corriandar leaves.

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Dish Two: Stir Fried Scallop with Broccoli in XO Sauce


1 lb Scallop
1 pc Broccoli
3 pcs Shallot (small)
1/4 pc Red Bell Pepper Slices
1/4 pc Yellow Bell Pepper Slices
800 ml Boiling Water for Broccoli
600 ml Boiling Water for Scallop
2 tablespoon Oil

2 teaspoon Salt
2 teaspoon Sugar
1 1/2 tablespoon Cantonese XO Sauce


1. Trim off the broccoli into small parts then soak it in salty water for 20 minutes. Wash and drain. Then heat up the wok with boiling water, add salt and sugar and broccoli to boil for around 2 minutes. Drain well and set aside.
2. Rinse the scallop, heat up the wok with boiling water, put all the scallop in the bath and switch off the fire. Let the scallop bath for 2 minute. Drain well and set aside.
3. Dice the shallot.
4. Heat up the wok with oil, stir fry the shallot until fragrant, then add the broccoli, red and yellow bell peppers and scallop with XO sauce. Stir fry and mix well for around 2 minutes then serve hot.

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Dish Three: Pan Fried Prawns in Fresh Tomato Sauce


2 lbs Prawns
1 Tomato (Blend then use the juice only)
3 pcs Minced Garlic
3 tablespoon Oil


1 tablespoon Ketchup
2 tablespoon Brown Sugar


1. Trim off the whiskers, hands and legs of prawns. Wash and drain and pat dried with kitchen paper.
2. Heat up the pan with oil, stir fry the garlic until fragrent, add the prawns, fresh tomato juice and seasoning and stir fry until the prawn change its colour into bright red and bent then serve.

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Dish Four: Stir Fried Baby Albone with Mixed Sweet Peppers


1 can Baby Albone
1 pc Red Sweet Pepper (small)
1 pc Green Sweet Pepper (small)
1 pc Yellow Sweet Pepper (small)
1 tablespoon Oil


5 tablespoon Baby Abalone Water (from the can)
1 1/2 tablespoon Oyster Sauce
1 teaspoon Chicken Powder


1. Open the can of baby abalone.
2. Wash then slice the red, green and yellow sweet peppers.
3. Heat up the wok, stir fry the mixed sweet peppers with chicken powder.
4. Add the baby abalone, baby abalone water and oyster sauce to stir fry for 2 more minutes. Serve hot.

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Dish Five: Steamed Fresh Garupa with Spring Onion and Ginger


1 pc Fresh Garupa
3 pcs Big Ginger slices
6 stalks of Green Onion
600 ml Water
2 tablespoon Oil
2 tablespoon Soy Sauce


1. Wash and clean the garupa then pat dried with kitchen paper. ( Please ask the fisherman to do and remove all the scales and organs for you in advance )
2. Use 3 stalks of green onion first, cut them into 2 1/2 inches long and transfer them to a plate as a mat for the garupa.
3. Slice the rest of the green onion then set aside.
4. Put the garupa on the green onion mat on the plate. Add the ginger slices into the opened belly part.
5. Add the water into the wok with high heat, when the water is boiling, place the plate of the garupa into the wok carefully. Steamed it for 10 minutes until the eyeballs have fallen out.
6. After that, remove the plate of garupa from the wok carefully. Add the soy sauce. Put the green onion slices on the top of the garupa. Heat up the Oil in a small sauce pan until fully hot. Then pour the boiling oil over the green onion slices carefully. Serve hot.